Setting out      

1) The Contractor shall establish working bench marks tied with the Reference bench mark in the area soon after taking possession of the site. The Reference bench mark for the area shall be as indicated in the Contract Documents and the values of the same shall be obtained by the Contractor from the Engineer. The working bench marks shall be at the rate of four per km and also at or near all drainage structures, over-bridges and underpasses. The working bench marks/levels should be got approved from the Engineer. Checks must be made on these bench marks once every month and adjustments, if any, got approved from the Engineer and recorded. An up-to-date record of all bench marks including approved adjustments, if any, shall be maintained by the Contractor and also a copy supplied to the Engineer for his record.

Setting out of building

2) The lines and levels of formation, side slopes, drainage works, carriageways and shoulders shall be carefully set out and frequently checked, care being taken to ensure that correct gradients and cross-sections are obtained everywhere.

3) In order to facilitate the setting out of the works, the centre line of the carriageway or highway must be accurately established by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. It must then be accurately referenced in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, at every 50 m intervals in plain and rolling terrains and 20 m intervals in hilly terrain and in all curve points as directed by the Engineer, with marker pegs and chainage boards set in or near the fence line, and a schedule of reference dimensions shall be prepared and supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer. These markers shall be maintained until the works reach finished formation level and are accepted by the Engineer.

4) On construction reaching the formation level stage, the centre line shall again be set out by the Contractor and when approved by the Engineer, shall be accurately referenced in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer by marker pegs set at the outer limits of the formation.

5) No reference peg or marker shall be moved or withdrawn without the approval of the Engineer and no earthwork or structural work shall commence until the centre " been referenced.

6) The Contractor will be the sole responsible party for safe-guarding all survey monuments, bench marks, beacons, etc. The Engineer will provide the Contractor with the data necessary for setting out the centre line. All dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or mentioned in documents forming part of or issued under the Contract shall be verified by! the Contractor on the site and he shall immediately inform the Engineer of any apparent errors or discrepancies in such dimensions and levels. The Contractor shall, in connection) with the staking out of the centre line, survey the terrain along the road and shall submit to the Engineer for his approval, a profile along the road centre line and cross-sections as required by the Engineer. intervals

The construction staking shall be done by personnel who are trained and experienced in construction layout and staking of the type and kind required in the Contract.

Field notes shall be kept standard, bound field notebooks as approved by the Engineer. Field notes shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer and shall be the property of the Employer.

The Contractor shall correct any deficient staking or construction work which resul' inaccuracies in the staking operations or from the Contractor's failure to report inar in the plans or survey data furnished by the Department.

7) After obtaining approval of the Engineer, work on earthwork can commence. The profile and cross- tions , shall form the basis for mea emen and payment. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all the basic traverse points are in place at the commencement of the contract and, if any, are missing, or appear to have been disturbed, the Contractor shall make arrangements to re-establish these points. A "survey File" containing the necessary data will be made available for this purpose. If in the opinion of the Engineer, design modifications of the centre line or grade are advisable, the Engineer will issue detailed instructions to the Contractor and the Contractor shall perform the modifications in the field, as required, and modify the ground levels on the cross-sections accordingly as many times as required.

There will be no separate payment for any survey work performed by the Contractor. The cost of these services shall be considered as being included in the rate of the items of work in the Bill of Quantities.

8) Precision automatic levels, having a standard deviation of ±2 mm per km, and fitted with micrometer attachment shall be used for all double run levelling work. Setting out of the road alignment and measurement of angles shall be done by using Total Station with traversing target, having an accuracy of one second. Measurement of distances shall betdone preferably using precision instruments like Distomat.

9) The work of setting out shall be deemed to be a part of general work spreparatory to the execution of work and no separate payment shall be made for the same.