In addition to the conditions indicated in the Contract Documents, the following conditions regarding use of equipment in works shall be satisfied:

a) The Contractor shall be required to give a trial run of the equipment for establishing their capability to achieve the laid down Specifications and tolerances to the satisfaction of the Engineer before commencement of the work;

b) All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated and maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the Engineer; 

C) Plants, equipment and instruments provided shall have adequate sensitivity, facility for calibration to desired level and shall be robust; 

d) Plant, equipment and instrument provided shall have data logging arrangement and control systems to enable automatic feedback control of process; 

e) Plants, equipment and instruments provided shall have adequate safety features and pollution control devices; 

f) Plant, equipment and instruments provided shall be operated by skilled and qualified operators; 

g) All the plant/equipment to be deployed on the works shall be got approved from the Engineer for ensuring their fitness and efficiency before commencement of work;

h) Any material or equipment not meeting the approval of the Engineer shall be removed from the site forthwith;

i) No equipment shall be removed from site without permission of the Engineer; 

j) The Contractor shall also make available stand by equipment and spare parts; 

k) The Contractor shall also make available equipment for site quality control work as directed by the Engineer.