how to measure concrete quantity / what are the 4 main ingredients in concrete / how to estimate concrete quantity / how to find material quantity in concrete / how to calculate concrete components / how to calculate concrete ingredients quantity

Grade of concrete – M20 

Mix Ratio(M20)  1 : 1.5 3

1 – Cement      

1.5 – Sand 

3 – Blue metal 

how to calculate concrete components / how to calculate concrete ingredients quantity

Volume required for 1 m3 concrete 

We find out the volume of concrete in wet condition 1m3 (After the consolidation of Cement + sand + water). So in dry conditions, we have to add 30 to 35% sand bulkage and add 20% for wastage.

Accounting bulkage of sand - 34%

Accounting wastage of material -20%

Dry volume of concrete = 1.54

Ratio  = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 

Calculation of Volume of Cement in 1m3 of Concrete 

Volume of Cement required (1m3)= (1/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.2798 m3


Cement  = 1 (1:1.5:3)

Concrete = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 

Cement required (1m3) in kg

 = volume of Cement X Density of Cement

Density of Cement = 1440 kg/ m3 

= 0.2798 X 1440 = 403.19 kg

Cement required (1m3) in Bags

= 403.29/50 =  8.06 bags 

Calculation of Volume of Sand in 1m3 of Concrete

Sand  = 1.5 (1:1.5:3)

Concrete  = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 

Sand Required in m3

= (1.5/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.42 m3

Sand required in cubic ft 

1m3 = 35.31 cft


= 0.42 x 35.31=  14.83 Cft 


Sand required in weight kg 

Density of sand = 1500–1550 kg/cum

 = 0.42 X 1500 = 630 kg

Calculation of Volume of aggregate in 1m3 of Concrete

Aggregate  = 3 (1:1.5:3)

Concrete parts = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 

Aggregate required in m3

 = (3/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.84 m3

Aggregate required in cubic ft 

= 0.84 x 35.31 = 29.66 Cft 


Aggregate required in weight kg 

Density of aggregate = 1520 - 1680 kg/cum

  = 0.84 x 1520 = 1276.8 kg

Total amount of materials required for 1m3 of Concrete

1m3 of Concrete
Cement  - 8 bags/ 1m3 

Sand          - 14.83 Cft/ 1m3 

Aggregate - 29.66 Cft/ 1m3 

If you need quantity for (Different volume) 10 m3 volume

Cement = 8 x 10 =            80 Bags/10 m3 

Sand = 14.83 x 10 =          148.3 cft/10 m3 

Aggregate = 29.66 x 10 = 296.6 cft/10m3 

Calculation of Volume of water in 1m3 of Concrete

Water cement ratio 0.5 for a bag = 0.5 x 50 ( weight of a bag) = 25 litre 

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